We wish to put at your disposal for free our product catalogue, brochures and flyers. In order to obtain, all you have to do is to select the needed amount of the different documents. Thanks for filling out your contact details on the left so that we can reach you in case of further questions and in order to organize the delivery.
Catalog :
Brochures :
- Division
- PFS Flange Seal
- Alimentary Market
- Heating
- Chemistry
- Cosmetic
- Heavy Equipment
- Medical
- Oill & Gas
- Pharmaceutical
- Aerospace
- Industrial air-conditioning
- Railway
- Bonded Seal
- BS standard stainless steel rings
- Slim Line Sealing Washers
- Surface Treatments
- Drinking Water Compounds
- FFKM Compounds
- Oil & Gas V95
- Natural Gas ECE R110
- Range extension
- Butyl 7BU2359
- FKM Food approved
- E-commerce
- Micro-engraving
- 10 days express
- Smartphone App
- Supply Chain