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How to write a good Test Summary Report?

Stay updated on tools and frameworks that offer the best functionality for test reporting. A robust solution should be able to work with a wide range of programming languages, mobile platforms, and connectors. Furthermore, a TestCloud should be sufficient to facilitate massive amounts of data storage for testing data. Testim is a commercial end-to-end software testing platform that leverages artificial intelligence to enable developers and testers to quickly automate functional tests. Software quality guidelines can be followed on the web with this web-based platform as well.

To ensure the team gets the feedback on time and takes quick action, you need to sync regression tests each night. Good Test Reporting provides the right information at the right time to the right teams. Test reporting involves the documentation and communication of software testing activities and outcomes. It encompasses the collection, analysis, and presentation of data related to test execution, defects, test coverage, and other relevant metrics. The primary purpose of test reporting is to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive view of the software’s quality, progress, and potential risks.


Digital enterprises have to spend time on every failure in the test report. The challenge here is dealing with a high volume of irrelevant testing data while generating the report. After the advent of Agile development and DevOps, this scenario has altered considerably. Organizations have to make decisions about quality not in a matter of months but often within some weeks, days, or even hours. In the past, the organization used the Waterfall Model of software development, which was relatively simple to create a test report.

test reporting

Create reports tailored to different audiences, presenting information that is relevant and meaningful to each group. Reporting serves as a common ground for communication and collaboration among developers, testers, managers, and other stakeholders. Clear and intuitive visualization, such as charts and graphs, makes complex data easily understandable for various stakeholders. QMetry has a heavy focus on dashboards, while aqua’s strengths lie in data manipulation & automation, insanely customisable report wizard, and a variety of import and export options. You need to describe the product and all intermediates, report the test environment, and draw conclusions. The second is the final test summary report to provide the final test results.

When to create a Test Summary Report?

This section is vital for post-testing analysis, which means test report writers shouldn’t merely list bug identification numbers. They should include a brief description of each bug to help save time afterwards. However, the writer won’t necessarily need to list every bug found in testing. The report writer could consider waiting until the product management team affirms the existence of a bug or defect before including it in the test report.

  • If the target audience is upper management and they want to understand what the team tested for each release, then the writer can include a summary that outlines the main functions tested.
  • This fosters a collaborative environment where issues can be addressed promptly, knowledge can be shared, and decisions can be made collectively.
  • Allure TestOps is a platform for software quality management that combines automated and manual testing.
  • Continuous quality cloud testing platforms like LambdaTest have made test reporting much easier.
  • Good Test Reporting provides the right information at the right time to the right teams.

A test cycle report is a document that details the tests that are being executed in each testing phase, which builds will be tested during every cycle and what issues are severe enough for them. It also includes any resources required – time or human resources – for those phases of testing. If you want a product to be stable, it needs multiple testing cycles, even in waterfall projects. A test report is an organized summary of testing objectives, activities, and results. Test reports enable the stakeholders to estimate the efficiency of the testing and detect the causes that led to a failed or negative test report.
Collaborative test reporting involves providing shared access to test reports, enabling stakeholders to provide feedback, and facilitating discussions around test results. This approach promotes improved communication, better decision-making, and enhanced transparency across the project team. Traditionally, a test report was compiled and summarized (using spreadsheets!) as one of the final stages of a waterfall development process. Releases were few and far between, so there was time to compile results, create a report, and make decisions. Details are important, but test report writers also need to consider security and compliance when they share information regarding an application’s code. The writer should assume the target audience generally understands the test system; this isn’t the place to reveal details about an app’s servers and code storage.

Report test environments

The final product is then summarized in a separate report, which explains what was tested over time and whether issues are still present with this iteration. Software testing takes a lot of time and effort, but it’s all for nothing without effective communication between team members. That’s where software testing reports come in – they ease the interaction between teams so that everyone is on the same page. The benefits of collaborative test reporting extend beyond effective communication.
definition of test reporting
Compared to its Waterfall companion, this version is less formal and focuses more on the results. Here we explore different types of Selenium locators and learn how they are used with different automation testing. As mentioned in Test Planning tutorial, Test Report should include the objective of each round of testing, such as Unit Test, Performance Test, System Test …Etc. Identify any functional areas or aspects of the software that were not tested and the reasons for the omission.
definition of test reporting
Maintain consistency in report formats and ensure data accuracy to build trust in the reporting process. Establish specific goals for reporting to ensure that the right information reaches the right stakeholders. Test reporting should be integrated with the development process, such as Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, for seamless updates. Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) quantify testing progress and effectiveness. They include pass rates, failure rates, defect density, test coverage percentage, and more. The main types are test incident reports, test cycle reports, test summary reports.
definition of test reporting
One example can be Windows Server 2012 R2 with an eight-core processor at 3 GHz speed along with 16GB RAM for your application to run smoothly and as intended. Also, ensure that all roles on your test server have been appropriately assigned, so no one has too many privileges or rights, affecting how well each function runs within this environment. Additionally, collaborative reporting allows for discussions and conversations around the test results.
definition of test reporting
Let’s examine the basic components of how to write a test report and why such a summary can be useful in Agile software development. One should include information such as the count of the executed test cases, the pertinent data of passed and failed tests, the pass/fail percentage, and comments. A team can present this information more finely using visual representations such as tables, charts, graphs, and color indications. A complete tutorial that explores test reports, their types and sections, and how to create an effective test report.
One of the most crucial things to keep in mind when writing a test cycle report is to include new defects and any issues from previous cycles that were not addressed. You can leverage BrowserStack integration with Slack to share these test summary reports daily within the team in an automated way. Integrating Slack with BrowserStack can help you to debug your failed tests directly from Slack and obtain a summary of all your builds executed during the day. TestOps allows you to organize diverse software testing operations, cycles, and frameworks. By doing so, you can assure software quality at every stage without sacrificing speed or necessitating DevOps expertise.
Utilize this section to describe the critical issues faced and the solutions implemented to get past those problem areas during the testing. These learnings made will help during the next Testing phase, and hence it is important to capture the details about them. Smoke or Sanity tests were performed whenever a new build was deployed into the test environment to ensure that the major functionalities of the application are working fine. If the test results were up to mark, the build was accepted and promoted to other test environments for the QA team to start testing.
Someone can analyze what effect that has on the scope or depth of defects and overall testing coverage. Testers will need to carefully review the defect list to verify they aren’t re-reporting known bugs or bugs already in the repair backlog. The data in this section should focus on defects found in the stated release organized by their priority.